TPS (Terminal Pacifico Sur)

Type of cargo transferred at this terminal:
(Dry bulk cargo, Containers,
Project cargo, General cargo)

Terminal Particulars:

Max LOA Max Draft Max DWT Max Disp. Max Beam
Pier 1,2,3 366 mts 14.1 mts  – 52 mts
Pier 4,5  185 mts 9.4 mts  –

Operational resources for mooring and unmooring maneuvers:

Tugboats in/out Launch boat Pilots Mooring lines Anchors
Pier 1,2,3

2 in / 2 out

1 in / 1 out for LOA Less than 100 mts

or 2 launch in / 2 launch out for ships with LOA Less than 100 mts


1 in / 1 out



1 in / 1 out


Fwd:  4 mooring ropes + 3 spring

Aft: 4 mooring ropes + 3 spring





Pier 4,5

Daylight restriction: No
Anchoring without pilot assistance.

Principal operations & Rates:

              Cargo Disch / Load Rate Remarks
Containers Load / Disch 35 units per hour (Shore crane)
Fresh fruit Load 36 pallet per hour per gang (Vessel crane)

Port Facilities:

Service Avalaible / Not Avalaible Remarks
Fresh water available  at anchorage and alongside to the pier
Bunkers delivery available at anchorage and alongside to the pier
Garbage disposal available at anchorage and alongside to the pier
Slop removal available at anchorage and alongside to the pier
Sludge removal available at anchorage and alongside to the pier
Dunnage removal available at anchorage and alongside to the pier

Agency offices full style:

Agental Valparaiso
+56 32 2597631
Almirante Señoret N°70, Valparaiso, Chile. Office N°25

Terminal pictures