Type of cargo transferred at this terminal:
(Dry bulk cargo, Containers,
Project cargo, General cargo)

Terminal Particulars:

Max LOA Max Draft Max DWT Max Disp. Max Beam
Pier 2B  220 m 12.40 m  70000 tons
Pier 3 190 m* 7.3 m  30500 tons
Pier 4 295 m 11,4 m 58000 tons
Pier 5 295 m 11,4 m 58000 tons
Pier 7 160 m 8.3 m 26500 tons

Remarks: FYI the docks N°4 & 2B are used usually to load/disch containers, proyect cargo and disch grains, pier N°5 is usually used for
load lead, zinc, etc. The pier N°3 is ussually used for loading agriprods.
*Pier N°3: Max LOA 160 m if pier 2B and 4 are occupied.

Operational resources for mooring and unmooring maneuvers:

Tug boats in/out Launch boat Pilots Mooring lines Anchors
Pier 2B

1 in / 1 out for LOA till 150 m.

2 in / 2 out for LOA over 150 m.


01 in / 01 out



01 in / 01 out for LOA till 220 m.

02 in / 02 out for LOA over 220 m.


12 x 220 m.





02 with 10 shackles minimum


Pier 3
Pier 4
Pier 5
Pier 7

-Mooring and unmooring maneuvers allowed 24 hrs.
-Anchoring maneuvers can be performed without pilot assistance.

Principal operations & Rates:


              Cargo Disch / Load Rate Remarks
Containers Disch / Load 120 units per shift approx
Agriprods Disch / Load 4500 mt per day approx
Steel prods Disch 800 mt per shift per gang
Zinc, Lead Load 4500 mt per day approx

Port Facilities:


Service Available / Not Available
Fresh water Available
Bunkers delivery Not  Available
Garbage disposal Available
Slop removal Not  Available
Sludge removal Not  Available
Dunnage removal Available

Agency offices full style:
Operations Head Office
+56 2 23373800
Av Vitacura 2939, Las Condes, Santiago, Chile . 20th floor

Terminal pictures