
Type of cargo transferred at this terminal:
(Dry bulk cargo, Containers,
Project cargo, General cargo)

Terminal Particulars:


Max LOA Max Draft Max DWT Max Disp. Berthing side
Berth N°1 225  m 12.84 m 70,000 mt Both
Berth N°2 200 m 13.7 m 126,000 mt Both
Berth N°3 200 m 13.7 m 126,000 mt Both
Berth N° 2 & 3 348.5 m 13.7 m 126,000 mt Both
Berth N°4 180 m 10.7 m 70,000 mt Both

Daylight restriction: No
For berth N°4 the max LOA is 170 m if the berth N°1 is used by other vessel with LOA over 200 m.

Operational resources for mooring and unmooring maneuvers:

                    Berth Tugboats in/out Launch boat Pilots Mooring lines Anchors
Berth N°1 2 in / 2 out 1 in / 1 out 1 12 x 220 m 2
Berth N°2 2 in / 2 out 1 in / 1 out 1 12 x 220 m 2
Berth N°3 2 in / 2 out 1 in / 1 out 1 12 x 220 m 2
Berth N°2-3 2 in / 2 out 1 in / 1 out 2 12 x 220 m 2
Berth N°4 2 in / 2out 1 in / 1 out 1 12 x 220 m 2

Anchoring maneuvers with pilot assistance.

Principal operations & Rates:

              Cargo Disch / Load Rate Remarks
Cooper concentrates Load 10,000 wmt per day Loading by rotainers
Containers Disch 22 per hour Shore crane
Containers Load 18 per hour Shore crane
Bitumen Disch 900 per shift berth n°4

Port Facilities:

Service Available / Not Available Remarks
Fresh water Available By truck
Bunkers delivery Available By truck
Garbage disposal Available
Slop removal Not Available
Sludge removal Not Available
Dunnage removal Available

Agency offices full style:

Agental Antofagasta
+56 55 2417736
Balmaceda 2472, Antofagasta, Región de Antofagasta, Chile. 17th floor, office 171

Terminal pictures